Monday 6 January 2014

Are you living away from your family because of work?

It is only normal to have the need to talk to them when you are in a new place. It has been observed by many people that regardless of new bonds formed, no one can ever replace a family. Connecting back with them becomes the main priority of people far away from home.

Industrialization has helped transform human society all together since the last century. Not only people have gained many new benefits of getting work done faster, but also new domains of work have also come into existence.

Telecom industry is one of them. This is the force that grands all the people of the planet to connect with each other without having to travel across the world. Those people who have been living far away from home for work can now connect with their family with a single click of a button.

In the past, when the technology was new, the cost to make a international call was huge. Also, people had to make reservations before the call can be connected, and the other individual had to be present at the time of the call. It was hard for both the parties, and extremely time consuming.

This changed over a period of time, and now the mobile technology allows people to communicate with each other from almost any place in the world. They do not have to be bound to a land line machine any more either. However, as time progresses, the telecom giants have taken complete hold of the industry for profit.

People have to pay whatever the telecom companies set as their price. The users do not have a choice in the matter because either they can choose to use the service or reject it. Those people who have become dependent on the system are bound to pay the price for their need.

VoIP services have come into existence to break down that monopoly, and give the people the choice to sending SMS in India for free. These services have their own App that can be downloaded to the handheld device of the user, and all they have to do is setup an account online to start using their services. Free international text messaging is one of its greatest benefits. Who says good things in life do not come for free? They do!

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