Sunday, 16 November 2014


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection COMMON RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR

Email:                        Website:

The online examination for the next Common Recruitment Process (CRP) for selection of personnel in Specialist Officers’ cadre posts in the Participating Organisations listed below is tentatively scheduled in February 2015.

Sr. No
I.T. Officer (Scale-I)
Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I)
RajbhashaAdhikari (Scale I)
Law Officer (Scale I)
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
Marketing Officer (Scale I)

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Organisations listed at (A.) herein below as an Officer in one of the Specialist Officers’ posts mentioned above, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process- (CRP SPL-IV). Candidates who appear and are shortlisted in the examination, will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and co-ordinated by the Nodal Bank with the help of IBPS. Depending on the vacancies to be filled in during the financial year 2015-16 based on the business needs of the Participating Organisations and as reported to IBPS, candidates shortlisted will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Organisations keeping in view the spirit of Govt. Guidelines on reservation policy, administrative convenience, etc. The validity for CWE SPL-IV will automatically expire at the close of business on 31.03.2016 with or without giving any notice.

This system of Common Recruitment Process- CWE, Common Interview and provisional allotment for recruitment of Specialist Officers posts in Participating Organisations has the approval of the appropriate authorities.
IBPS, an autonomous body, has received a mandate from the organisations mentioned at (A) below, to conduct the recruitment process as mentioned above, once a year. IBPS will make arrangements for conducting online examination, declare result of online examination and inform the shortlisted candidates about the interview. Interviews will be conducted by the participating organisations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank in each state/ UT with the help of IBPS. Prospective candidates will have to apply to IBPS after carefully reading the advertisement regarding the process of examination, interview and provisional allotment, eligibility criteria, online registration processes, payment of prescribed application fee/ intimation charges, pattern of examination, issuance of call letters etc. and ensure that they fulfil the stipulated criteria and follow the prescribed processes.


Allahabad Bank
Canara Bank
Indian Bank
Syndicate Bank
Andhra Bank
Central Bank of India
Indian Overseas Bank
UCO Bank
Bank of Baroda
Corporation Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Union Bank of India
Bank of India
Dena Bank
Punjab National Bank
United Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Punjab & Sind Bank
Vijaya Bank
BharatiyaMahila Bank
Any other bank or financial institution

The tentative schedule of events is as follows:

Tentative Dates
Online Registration
18.11.2014 to 09.12.2014
Payment of Application Fees- Online
18.11.2014 to 09.12.2014
Download of Call letter for Examination
After 03.02.2015
Online Examination (Tentative dates)- some/ all/ additional dates as
the need arises
14.02.2015 & 15.02.2015

Declaration of result status of examination (CWE)
February 2015
Download of call letters for Interview
March 2015
Conduct of Interview
March 2015
Provisional Allotment
April 2015

Candidates are advised to regularly keep in touch with the authorised IBPS website for details and updates.

B.                   ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as on 01.11.2014)
Candidates, intending to apply for CRPSPL-IV should ensure that they fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria specified by IBPS:

Please note that the eligibility criteria specified herein are the basic criteria for applying for the post. Candidates must necessarily produce the relevant documents pertaining to category, nationality, age, educational qualifications etc. in original alongwith a photocopy thereof in support of their identity and eligibility as indicated in the online application form- Please note that no change of category will be permitted at any stage after registration of the online application. Merely applying for CWE/ appearing for and being shortlisted in the CWE and/or in the subsequent interview and/ subsequent processes does not imply that a candidate will necessarily be offered employment in any of the Participating Organisations. No request for considering the candidature under any category other than in which applied will be entertained.

I.                       Nationality / Citizenship:
A candidate must be either -
(i)                   a Citizen of India or
(ii)                  a subject of Nepal or
(iii)                 a subject of Bhutan or
(iv)                a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or
(v)                  a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India,
provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

II.                  Age (As on 01.11.2014):
Minimum: 20 years  Maximum: 30 years
i.e.   a candidate must have been born not earlier than 02.11.1984 and not later than 01.11.1994 (both dates inclusive)

III.       Educational Qualifications (As on 09.12.2014):

Name of the
Educational Qualifications
(from a University/ Institution/ Board recognised by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies)
I.T. Officer
Min- 20 Years
Max-30 Years
a)     4 year Engineering Degree in Computer Science/ Computer
Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics &  Communication/ Electronics
& Instrumentation OR
b)      Post  Graduate  Degree  in  Electronics/  Electronics  &  Tele
Communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Computer Applications
Graduate having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level
Field Officer (Scale I)
Min- 20 Years
Max-30 Years
4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal
Husbandry/     Veterinary      Science/      Dairy      Science/      Agri. Engineering/  Fishery  Science/  Pisciculture/  Agri  Marketing  &


FOR more iNformation Visit: 

Friday, 14 November 2014

United Kingdom(UK) to India calling by Using dial91. continues to deliver meaningful and smart VoIP calling solutions to make international calling cheap and captivating. The telecom major recently launched a myriad of cheap India calling cards with which you can make calls at as low as $0.011 per minute. Leveraging on latest repetitive call routing technology, the coveted pre-paid calling card service provider can churn out more margins and pass it on to its clients based in more than 233 countries worldwide. In addition, company’s strong call routing network ensures minimal call lead time and superb connectivity. The solutions offered by Dial91 are rich in features, easy to use and universally compatible.
With these cards users can even send free SMS to India. The registration process is fast and free from any hassles. Every account once activated comes with 7 different ways to make calls and send free SMS. Furthermore, these cards are laced with several user options to revel in. This solution is robust and upgraded VoIP software that delivers appreciably low cost calling India from UK. The user interface can be customized according to ones’ usage preferences. The company has in addition rolled out plethora of software and mobile applications to enhance call quality and convenience. One can access these cards and make calls via Android and iOS app respectively. Furthermore, Gmail and Skype can also be used to access Dial91 calling cards for cheap India calling. These software and apps are compatible with wide range of internet enabled devices. Laced with smart features like speed dial, on touch dial, hold call and address book you can exercise holistic calling experience. Being based on fast and secure SIP servers, these cards deliver outstanding connectivity and crystal clear sound quality has managed a strong foothold in the industry with its unmatched product portfolio and prompt customer care support. The dedicated call routing staff and live support via email, chat or SMS ensures prompt query resolution 24X7.
About Dial91

One of the leading international pre-paid calling and VoIP services providers operates in more than 200 countries worldwide. Over the years, the company has reached the pinnacle of success owing to its unshakeable focus on quality, delivery and affordability. The company provides comprehensive calling services via local access, toll free numbers and VoIP calling apps. The service support, call quality, lightning fast connectivity and smart functionalities make it the smartest international calling choice around the world.  

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

मोदी सरकार के कैबिनेट मंत्री .... With MOBILE NUMBER...

1. राजनाथ सिंह (BJP UP-Lucknow)
गृह मंत्रालय 11123353881
2. सुषमा स्वराज (BJP MP-Vidisha) विदेश मंत्रालय, विदेश मामले मंत्रालय
3. अरुण जेटली (BJP)
वित्त मंत्रालय, कॉर्पोरेट मामले, सूचना एवं
प्रसारण मंत्रालय
4. एम वेंकैया नायडू (BJP KRNTK)
शहरी विकास मंत्रालय, आवास
तथा शहरी गरीबी उन्मूलन, संसदीय मामले
5. नितिन गडकरी (BJP MH-Nagpur)
सड़क परिवहन एवं राजमार्ग, शिपिंग मंत्रालय +917122727145
6. मनोहर पर्रिकर (BJP UP)
रक्षा मंत्रालय
7. सुरेश प्रभु (BJP MH)
रेल मंत्रालय +919821589555
8. डीवी सदानंद गौड़ा (BJP KRNTK-Udupi Chikmanglur)
कानून एवं न्याय मंत्रालय
9. उमा भारती (BJP UP-Jhansi)
जलसंसाधन मंत्रालय, नदी विकास
तथा गंगा पुनरुद्धार
10. डॉ. नजमा ए हेपतुल्ला (BJP MP)
अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय
11. रामविलास पासवान (LJP BHR-Hajipur)
उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य एवं सार्वजनिक
वितरण मंत्रालय
12. कलराज मिश्रा (BJP UP-Deoria)
लघु उद्योग मंत्रालय (सूक्ष्म, लघु तथा मझोले उद्योग)
13. मेनका संजय गांधी (BJP UP-Pilibhit)
महिला एवं बाल विकास मंत्रालय
14. अनंत कुमार (BJP KRNTK-Bangluru)
उर्वरक एवं रसायन मंत्रालय
15. रविशंकर प्रसाद (BJP BHR)
संचार एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी
16. जगत प्रकाश नड्डा (BJP Himachal)
स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय
17. अशोक गजपति राजू पशुपति (TDP AP- Vizianagaram)
नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालय +919440822599
18. अनंत गीते (SS MH-Raigarh)
भारी उद्योग तथा सार्वजनिक उद्यमिता मंत्रालय
19. हरसिमरत कौर बादल (SAD PNB- Bathinda)
खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग
20. नरेंद्र सिंह तोमर (BJP MP-Gwalior)
खनन एवं इस्पात मंत्रालय
+919013180134 +919425110500
21. चौधरी बीरेंदर सिंह (BJP HR)
ग्रामीण विकास, पंचायती राज, पेयजल एवं स्वच्छता मंत्रालय
22. जुएल उरांव (BJP Odissa-Subdrrgarh)
जनजातीय मामले
23. राधा मोहन सिंह (BJP BHR-Poorvi Champaran)
कृषि मंत्रालय
+919013180251 +919431233001
24. थावरचंद गहलोत (BJP MP)
सामाजिक न्याय तथा अधिकारिता मंत्रालय
+919425091516 +919868180049
25. स्मृति ईरानी (BJP)
मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय
26. डॉ. हर्षवर्धन (BJP Delhi-Chandi chawk)
विज्ञान एवं तकनीकी, पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय
मोदी सरकार के केंद्रीय राज्य मंत्री
27. जनरल वीके सिंह (BJP UP-Ghaziabad)
सांख्यिकी एवं कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), विदेशी मामले, प्रवासी मामले
28. राव इंद्रजीत सिंह (BJP HR-Gurgaon)
आयोजना (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), रक्षा
29. संतोष कुमार गंगवार (BJP UP-Baraiky)
कपड़ा (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
30. बंडारू दत्तात्रेय (BJP Telangana-Secun darabad)
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
31. राजीव प्रताप रूडी (BJP BHR-Saran)
कौशल विकास, उद्यमिता (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), संसदीय मामले
32. श्रीपद येस्सो नाइक (BJP Goa North)
आयुष (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण
+919822122440 +919868180630
33. धर्मेंद्र प्रधान (BJP)
पेट्रोलियम एवं प्राकृतिक गैस (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
34. सर्बानंदा सोनवाल (BJP Assam- Lakhimpur)
युवा मामले और खेल (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
35. प्रकाश जावड़ेकर (BJP MH)
पर्यावरण, वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
36. पीयूष गोयल (BJP MH)
ऊर्जा (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), कोयला (स्वतंत्र प्रभार),
नवीन एवं नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
37. डॉ. जितेंद्र सिंह (BJP J&K-Udhampur)
पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्र विकास (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय, कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत एवं
पेंशन, परमाणु ऊर्जा विभाग, अंतरिक्ष विभाग
38. निर्मला सीतारमण(BJP AP)
वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग (स्वतंत्र प्रभार)
39. डॉ. महेश शर्मा (BJP UP-Gautambudhnagar, Noida)
संस्कृति (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), पर्यटन (स्वतंत्र प्रभार), नागरिक उड्डयन
40. मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी (BJP-UP)
अल्पसंख्य मामले, संसदीय मामले
41. राम कृपाल यादव (BJP BHR-Patliputra)
पेयजल एवं स्वच्छता
42. हरिभाई पार्थीभाई चौधरी(BJP GJ-Banaskantha)
गृह मामले
43. सांवर लाल जाट (BJP RJ-Ajmer)
जल संसाधन, नदी विकास तथा गंगा पुनरुद्धार
44. मोहनभाई कल्याणजीभाई कुंडारिया (BJP GJ-Rajkot)
45. गिरिराज सिंह (BJP BHR-Nawada)
सूक्ष्म, लघु तथा मझोले उद्योग
46. हंसराज गंगाराम अहीर (BJP MH-Chandrapur)
रसायन एवं उर्वरक
47. जीएम सिद्धेश्वर (BJP KRNTK-Devanagere)
भारी उद्योग तथा सार्वजनिक उद्यमिता
48. मनोज सिन्हा (BJP UP-Ghazipur)
49. निहालचंद (BJP RJ-Ganganagar)
पंचायती राज
50. उपेंद्र कुश्वाहा (RLSP BHR-Karakat)
मानव संसाधन विकास
51. राधाकृष्णन पी- सड़क परिवहन एवं
राजमार्ग, शिपिंग
52. किरण रिजिजू (BJP Arunachal West)
गृह मामले
53. कृष्णन पाल-
सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता
54. डॉ. संजीव कुमार बाल्यान (BJP UP-Muzaffarnagar)
55. मनसुखभाई धानजीभाई वसावा (BJP GJ- Bharuch)
जनजातीय मामले
56. रावसाहेब दादाराव दानवे(BJP MH-Jalna)
उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य एवं सार्वजनिक वितरण
57. विष्णु देव साई (BJP CHH Raigarh)
खनन एवं इस्पात
58. सुदर्शन भगत (BJP JHR- Lohardaga)
ग्रामीण विकास
59. प्रो. राम शंकर कठेरिया (BJP UP Agra)
मानव संसाधन विकास
60. वाईएस चौधरी-
विज्ञान एवं तकनीकी, पृथ्वी विज्ञान
61. जयंत सिन्हा (BJP JHR-Hazaribagh)
62. कर्नल राज्यवर्धन सिंह राठौर(BJP RJ-Jaipur Rular)
सूचना एवं प्रसारण +919460996611
63. बाबुल सुप्रियो (BJP WB -Asansol)
शहरी विकास, आवास एवं
शहरी गरीबी उन्मूलन
64. साध्वी निरंजन ज्योति (BJP UP-Fatehpur)
खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग
65. विजय सांपला (BJP PNB-Hoshiyarpur)
सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता +919876099143

Monday, 10 November 2014

fasted 6000 thousand run scorer in ODI

Virat kholi is the fasted baste man who score 6000 thousand run in 136 innings. He broken the record of westindies   baste man Richards. Please see top 20 baste man who score 6000 thousand fasted run. for more information visit :
Player Match Date Mat Inns
V Kohli (India)
9-Nov-14 144 136
IVA Richards (WI)
7-Jan-89 156 141
SC Ganguly (India)
26-Oct-00 152 147
AB de Villiers (Afr/SA)
11-Nov-13 153 147
ML Hayden (Aus/ICC)
2-Mar-08 160 154
BC Lara (WI)
9-Oct-99 158 155
DM Jones (Aus)
22-Feb-94 160 157
G Kirsten (SA)
22-Oct-01 160 160
GC Smith (Afr/SA)
15-Jan-11 162 160
DL Haynes (WI)
19-Oct-89 163 162
Saeed Anwar (Pak)
24-Mar-99 164 162
RT Ponting (Aus)
17-May-03 169 166
MS Dhoni (Asia/India)
2-Apr-11 186 166
ME Waugh (Aus)
7-Feb-99 172 167
MG Bevan (Aus)
19-Jan-03 193 167
JH Kallis (SA)
28-Jun-03 175 167
Yousuf Youhana (Pak)
6-Oct-04 178 168
CH Gayle (ICC/WI)
7-Jul-07 171 168
SR Tendulkar (India)
14-Jan-98 176 170

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dial91 is one of the leading service providers of pre-paid calling cards and smart VoIP solutions. Our wide range of calling cards is aimed to make calling affordable and convenient. Averaging on latest call routing technology you can make cheap calls at mere $0.011 per minute to more than 233 countries worldwide. Moreover, you can also send free SMS to India whilst enjoying 7 different ways to make calls and send SMS. Backed by prompt customer care staff and call routing team at U.S and India, we deliver 100% satisfaction every single time. Make the smartest choice and start calling with our range of calling cards today.
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Here are ideal solutions to call India by coveted service provider Widely acclaimed in more than 233 countries around the world for its superb call quality and crystal clear sound clarity, we have garnered a rich client base. Our cards are based on repetitive call routing technology over SIP servers these cards deliver fast connectivity. You can also send free SMS to India in more than 7 different ways with our cards. Laced with innovative features such as speed dial, on-touch dial, customized user interface and much more, our calling cards not only provide for cheap India calling but deliver a holistic calling experience as well.  Try it today and stay connected on the go.
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For those who want to call India cheap without compromising a bit on quality, here is an ideal solution by We are leading service provider of VoIP and telecom solutions in around 233 countries worldwide. Averaging on latest call routing technology and our strong call routing network, we are able to pass on minimal call rates to our clients. In addition, they can also send free SMS to India or anywhere around the world using our smart call cards. The user interface is customizable and can be adjusted according to one’s usage preference. Our card comes with auto recharge 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Google domain ranking factor for website.

I am working as Digital marketing Expert. I have experince in Search engine optimization, Socail media optimization, PPC, Google analyitc, Google Adword, Google Webmaster, Google keyword Planner. I am describing about all factor who are affecting a besite. There are many factor affecting Website ranking in Google. Factor are given below:

Domain factor

1. Domain Age: Domain age or Website domain age or time, there is no big difference between old domain and new domain.Depend upon page content and layout of your webpage.
2. Keyword Appears in Top Level Domain or Keyword As First Word in Domain URL is helpful in bing ranking not in Google.
3 Domain registration length is helpful for you website. If you use small and optimized domain url.
4. Keyword in Subdomain Name is helpful. This will provide you do follow backlink to main URL.
5. Domain History: A site with volatile ownership (via whois) or several drops may tell Google to “reset” the site’s history, negating links pointing to the domain.
6. Exact Match Domain: According to matt cutts

7. Public vs. Private WhoIsAccording to Matt Cutts is quoted as stating at Pubcon 2006:
“…When I checked the whois on them, they all had “whois privacy protection service” on them. That’s relatively unusual.  …Having whois privacy turned on isn’t automatically bad, but once you get several of these factors all together, you’re often talking about a very different type of webmaster than the fellow who just has a single site or so.”

8. Country TLD extension: Having a Country Code Top Level Domain (.cn, .pt, .ca)  has limited site for optimization.